A brand New Year for me in 2009..
Today is my 1st blog in 2009 too.. For the past mths hv been quite busy till I got no time to blog at all..
Alot of people will say.. What u busy with..?? Beside FB, there's nothing for u to busy with too.. haha..
Facebook is a place for me to past my time.. As being alone at home is really bored..!! Anyway now just wait & prepare for 24th Feb 2009 to arrive..
Recently we just celebrated our Valentine with Kruzer at Fraser's Hill on 14th & 15th Feb, is really a enjoyable trip.. As this is the 1st time we celebrate our Valentine with Kruzer too..
On 14th Feb 2009.. Me & Dear nvr sleep till we meet up with Cher & Joanna at Depot Road.. As this time Dear dun intend to ride up to Fraser's Hill with his bike again.. As Cher suggest we take his car up to Fraser's Hill with him & Joanna..
Initially when I know Dear has agreed with Cher's plan, I'm actually quite sad.. but think thru for awhile.. is also good tat we take his car up as we can chit chat in his car too..
Our plan is meet them at 2:45am at Depot Road but we were late due to last minutes I need to pansai.. :P so we were late & arrived their place at 3am.. After we meet each other, Dear parked his bike at Joanna's place.. then 4 of us proceed to Fong Seng Prata Shop for breakfast..
We arrived at Fong Seng at 3:15am.. Ordered our Prata for breakfast..
Cher & Joanna
Dear & Me
After our breakfast, we proceed to GP Esso to meet the rest of the Kruzerian..
We arrived at GP Esso at around 4:15am.. Surprise to see most of them have arrived already.. Lucky we're not that last car/bike to arrive.. wahahaha!!!
Arrived at GP Esso
Faizal & Nur
Cher sat on Raymond's Gold Wing
Wang Run "The Food Addict"
Adeline "The Sleeping Beauty"
Adeline "Me & Adeline"
May.. Saw me with the camera, quickly run away..!!!! =P
Julius, The Cute Guy
Shamen & May
Me & Joanna posing at Cher's Car
Adeline & Joanna also posing at Cher's Car
Me & Adeline also posing at Cher's Car @_@
Raymond with His Gold Wing
Isaac start to Brief us on the Road
Ready to go... At around 8am, we arrived at Sg Besi..
Saw Jimmy at Petronas
Thought he's there to meet us but actually he's there to meet Raymond as they're heading somewhere else.. heehee..
At Sg Besi Petronas, Leong & TH + Tony & Mamajo swap their role.. Leong & Adeline will take Cher's car and Me & Dear will take Leong's TDM + Tony will ride Mamajo's bike & Mamajo will drive Tony's car up to Bentong for breakfast..
Finally travelling for abt 45mins, we arrived at Bentong Town.. Riders & Drivers parked their vehicles & head for BREAKFAST..
After they parked their vehicles, get themselves a seat & start to order foods before heading up to Fraser's Hill...
Roti Prata
Ready to eat lo..
Still enjoy our Roti Prata
After makan, Julius slack AGAIN.. haha!!
Get ready to go lo, proceeding to Fraser's Hill liao
Arrived at Entrance of Fraser's Hill
Then Shamen suddenly say he feel pain & told us he kena sting by a bee when leaving Bentong to Fraser..
Heading up to Fraser's Hill Top now
FINALLY arrived at Fraser's Hill SliverPark Resort
Everyone gathering together & wait for Isaac & Mamajo to pass us the keys to the Apartment..
Got our rooms keys from Mamajo

Leong, Ade, Dear & Myself in this Apartment

Sean, Julius, Cher & Joanna in this Apartment
B5 belong to Beary & the rest
Parked their veheicle next to their Aprtment
Get into our Apartment & took pixs of the surrounding scnery
Gather in one of the Apatment, chatting then after tat then proceed to shower
After shower, we gather to chit chat again before we take our lunch
Then Leong came back with the food together with Adeline
After makan, the guys slack again on the sofa & slowly everyone go back to their room and sleep
When they were sleeping, me jux slack around.. Taking my own pix, while waiting for them to wake up..
7:15pm, getting ready to go for our Valentine Dinner soon
Got ourselves a seat
Start to eat lo
After our dinner, everyone jux relax at their table
After dinner, we just relax in our room.. Later 9:15pm, everyone will gather in Richard's room to celebrate our Valentine
9:15pm, everyone gathered outside Richard's Room
Entering the room, the room was beautiful decorated.. Wow, the feeling is so romantic..
Couples photo taking time..
Another Group of Couple
Single Shot
Group Photos Shot
The guys were busy taking the ladies pictures.. heehee
After celebration, we walk down to the nearby for kopi..
Cher feel cold when having kopi, Sweet Leong & Sean gave him their jacket to keep him warm.. So Sweet wor!!
Julius was watching TV, but why such expression..?? Cos he's watching Ghost Movie.. @_@
Go back to my room, after wash up.. Jux take pix of the Rose & Bear.. As they're so cute..!!
Next day 15th Feb 2009, early in the morning at 7:15am.. Julius & Sean woke us up with their 公鸡叫..!! Was told by Mama, breakfast starts at 7:30am.. We arrived the Restaurant at 7:45am & was told Breakfast only start at 8am.. haha!!! On the way to restaurant saw lot of Monkeys at the roof top..
8am, we start to have our breakfast..
Buffet Breakfast start
After Breakfast, is time for us to leave Fraser's Hill.. As Joanna need to rush back for dinner & we need to go A Sai's 2nd Baby 1st Month, so no choice but to leave first.. Initially was Cher, Joanna, Dear & myself leaving early, then Leong & Adeline also leave early with us too..
Again Leong allow us to ride his bike down the hill again.. Leong & Adeline is always very nice to us.. heehee
Get ready to go down the hill lo.. Yeah!!
On the way down the hill, also saw some malaysian biker going down the Fraser's Hill too..
When going down the hill, they also stop for photoshooting too..