We were out the whole day to view bikes at Mah Motor & Looi's Motor..
Leong want to get a Sliverwing.. At Mah Motor, we get to see lot of bikes but the prices there, u noe lah.. is quite high!! Anyway nvr get to see any Sliverwing there.. So me & Adeline took pics of the bikes we sit on.. heehee

We went to Sporting Motor after Mah to ask for some prices for exhausts.. The price which the boss quoted Take How is quite reasonable..
Before leaving Sporting Motor, Fred told us tat Mike coimg over wif another lady rider who ride a CBR150.. She want to sell away her bike.. hmmm, decided to bring her over to Ubi Area to sell her bike.. she want to sell it at a high cost but she still got loan wif the bike.. Loois only willing to "ea" $2K but she still got $3K loan so she need to fork out another $1K.. hmmm, she said she need to consider 1st..
As for the sliverwing which Leong is looking for.. the price is quite steep at Loois.. FU plate (400cc) cost abt $5.5K & FY plate (650cc) cost $7K.. Dunno Take How is not worth for Leong to get another bike since he already got TDM.. but bcos he always run away islandwide so the mileage for his TDM900 is going high, in future if he wan to sell his bike also very difficult..
After leaving Looi's, we head for our lunch at Ubi Area.. While having out lunch, we talk abt handing over the AT to the new owner who bought over Fred's bike..
The owner stay in Cashew Height.. As the owner do not have a Class 2 license so Fred got to send the over to him.. Finally today Fred got to hand the bike over, this's the 1st time I saw AT wif 2 side boxes..

So Fred asked Mike to ride his ST1100 to Cashew Height, so tat after handing over the bike he can ride his ST1100 back as well as pillon Mike back to collect his S4..

When we almost reached the owner's place.. We passby Isaac's hse & saw both of them washing their bikes.. Take How lead them to the owner's place & returned back to Isaac blk to say hi to them.. And later come back wif the rest after everything is settle after handing the bikes to the owner..

We returned to the owner's place.. They are abt to hand the bike over & Fred ask Take How to sign as witness as he've hand the bike over.. but the owner do not hv anyone wif him so he got to fax back the doc after he got his witness to sign the agreement..

After handed over the AT.. We go back to Issac's hse then after tat we went to have our dinner at EAT at Railway Mall.. And is Fred's treat!! hee..