hmmm, where do we go on Sunday..?? Oh ya, house cleaning session..!! Help him to go house Cleaning.. His things were all over the place.. From 1630 hrs clean until 2145 hrs.. Is a long hrs of cleaning.. so tired!!
After finish House Cleaning Pt 1.. there will be a Pt 2 coming soon.. Date still Pending!! wahaha!! So after clean up, we went to Changi V to meet the Eastsider guys.. wahahaha.. cos rec'd a sms from Eastsider asking ask to go Changi V for kopi..
Central siders guys all out for touring.. Westsiders guys find Changi V is too far away for them, so juz 2 of us went.. =S
When we reached Changi V, Raymond A, Chris & Johan are abt to leave.. cos we're late for an hr.. =P
after they left Ah Siang & Terrance came.. We talk cock till 1:30am then Ah Siang say he's tired.. need to go back & snore x2..
So we left Changi V.. on the way back home.. Dear ask me if wan to go MUSTAFA to get some stuffs... I say ok lor cos can go out, i everything okie de "(This's wat Dear always said to me.. =P)"
Reached Mustafa Ctr at abt 0150 hrs, really not many ppl in Mustafa at this hr.. So went to purchase the things tat we want.. After finishing buying wat we need.. Dear say he was thirsty and wan to buy bottles drink..
We then went to the Drinks & Foods Dept.. At first we only want to buy drink but then we passby the Frozen session.. then start to buy, buy & buy..

Wah, after realise we bought so many things juz wonder if his box can put in so many things or not..??

Dear is a caring person, he drink the carrot juice & acidentally spill some on the floor.. he scared other ppl step on it will fall.. he asked a tissue from me & wipe the floor.. so nice of him, think for others.. dun think other guys will do it if they spill anything on the floor..

We think is enough.. no box might not have enough space to put in more things if we cont purchase.. =P then we went to make payment at the counter..

So proceed to the carpark to put on the things tat we purchase in his box.. haha, to many things.. some light items I got hand carry them.. =P