Jux now went Geylang Serai wif TH, Fred, AJ & his gf.. So coincident to meet BtwoB & his wife in there too.. Wow, this is my first time walking in Geylang Serai during Raya.. Alot of people in there.. is really alot!! Bikes parked everywhere.. At the void deck, under HDB flat, along the roadside & everywhere..
Me & TH bought a Roti John & 2 sticks of you tian over there as we haven't take our dinner during that time.. AJ & his gf bought 2 burgers.. Fred dun wan to eat!!
From 1am, we shop till 3am.. Then proceed to Kim Keat for coffee.. Over there Fred then ordered a plate of Roti Platter wif egg at that hrs..
Ard 4:30am then 散场。。 哈哈!!
Ard 4:30am then 散场。。 哈哈!!
This morning Kruzer out to Lake Chini.. how i wish we could join but too bad bcos i can't go.. he also not going too.. =(
Ride Schedule
0400 ETA GP Esso
0445 Briefing
0500 ETD
0600 ETA Yong Peng South Exit LL100km D100km
0645 ETA Segamat breakfast LL76km D176km
0800 ETD
0900 ETA Muadzam Shah LL79km D255km
0930 ETD 1030 ETA Lake Chini LL69km D324km

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