But then both of us overslept till 1517 hrs, so nvr get to go to his hse..
Actually the plan is after Eden's hse, shall go refill after tat.. since we're unable to go so we shall go straight to GP Esso for Makan cum refill at 2nd Link wif the rest..
Told Leong we will be there ard 1615 hrs but we left home at 1600 hrs so we were late.. Reached there ard 1637 hrs..
When we reached GP Esso, saw them juz left.. Tiew!! but bcos we still need to wait for Larry & Tricia so we nvr chase them.. =P
At ard 1645 hrs, they came so we took the short cut to South Bound R & R to look for the rest.. After so many mths, finally Larry & Tricia came out to meet us!!
After makan at R & R, we go separated way to pump petrol.. Tiew..!!
TDMers (Larry, Leong & Dear) pump at GP Shell.. The rest (Raymond A, Chow, Terrance & Raymond B) pump at GP Esso.. =P
The picture below is Larry, he ah.. dun say him liao ah.. TDMers & Kruzer meet up seldom see him, maybe 1 yr we will get to see him less than 5 times together wif Tricia.. Faint, haha!!
but the most touch things, Adeline is can't find any Eeyore in Bangkok, so she bought me a pouch.. plus she came back to Singapore & bought me a Eeyore from MORE THAN WORDS!! Adeline, WO HAO GAN DONG..!!!
So nice of her!! =)..
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