The guys went to change money.. So ME was there to take care of their bikes.. In case anything happen..!!
AJ's Bike.. Take How's Bike..
TDMers tot of follow KRUZERS as it has been a very long time tat we've not been joining KRUZERS for any refill.. So we tot of do so but then.. Haiz, one of our guy is LATE!! Tat's Ansmania..
AJ & Hafiz..Guess who's tat..??
Take How's Bike..
The one who's LATE..
In KRUZERS, no one know who's Ansley so we oso paiseh if wan KRUZERS to follow us to wait for him..
Anyway KRUZERS left GP ESSO w/o us.. =(
So I went back to Petronas to meet the rest of the TDMers.. Surprised, saw someone familiar then realise the lady is BlurLing aka Jessie.. We've a short chat, after awhile Ansley came.. We left GP Petronas to GP Town to see if we can meet-up wif KRUZERS..
Reached GP Town try going one ard, unable to find them.. So we decided to hv our makan near to the New bike washing area.. We juz leave the bikes there & makan at next door..
The service for the food was so x2 only.. The bikes washing services also so x2 only.. Think everyone still prefer to makan at Pendas & wash bikes over at the usual place tat they alwayz wash..
Finished makan & bikes washing, we head back to Southbound for refill, before tat AJ requested to have a Bikes Photos Session again.. Nice photos taken by AJ & myself.. heehee..
Pictures took by AJ..
After tat we went refill at GP Shell.. I took some more photos again..
At GP Shell After Refilled..
Hanger18's Bike..
Virus's Bike..
AJ's Bike..
Hafiz's Bike..
Take How's Bike..
Take How..
Ansmania's Bike..
Then I heard AJ planned to go on a ONE DAY NIGHT TRIP.. Most probably will fall on the 9/10 or 16/17 February 2008.. Is abt 400km from GP Petronas.. Looking forward for the Night Trip.. heehee..
When we head back to S'pore, AJ say he wan to go Jurong West to view a box, which a seller post in SBF.. So we oso follow him to view the box.. both of us be kapo.. heehee..
Luckily we nvr follow KRUZERS for breakfast, they went to Jeram Batu.. Took a boat to kelong.. Think the TDMers won't wan to follow.. =(
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Good blog post which provided a interesting information.keep updating...
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