Suppose to go Kong Kong with Kruzer on Sunday afternoon but the plan was called off by Dear..
I feel so sad when he ask me :“Dear can we called off the Kong Kong Trip for Sunday" I ask him why, he gave me the answer say Is quite boring to go Kong Kong.. then I asked.. "Then why did u take away the "PENDING" since u dun wish to go.." He can't answer me after I asked him.."..??

At Esso, we asked ard who got bring extra oranges as both myself & Dear forget to bring when we come out from the house.. Same goes to Raymond too, they oso forget to prepare oranges.. haha!! so we got to last mins prepare gifts to A Sai's house.. So we bought a half chicken and Raymond bought a Cheese Cake at Esso.. Slack for awhile then we left Esso for A Sai's house..

The Lion Dance Group start performe from 1735pm to 1755pm.. Is quite a long session, I was there busy taking photos.. heehee..
Lion Dance Started

Slack outside A Sai's house

I feel so sad when he ask me :“Dear can we called off the Kong Kong Trip for Sunday" I ask him why, he gave me the answer say Is quite boring to go Kong Kong.. then I asked.. "Then why did u take away the "PENDING" since u dun wish to go.." He can't answer me after I asked him.."..??
Anyway I feel so down at 0400am on Sunday morning.. totally can't sleep, I was lying on the bed thinking abt trips.. Long trip he said is not safe to go wit my current condition, ok I accept.. but then now Short trip he tell me is bored.. Dear, since u dun wan to bring me for trips juz say so, dun have to give me all this nonsense answers.. tat morning we quarreled, Dear slept in the hall till the next morning.. For me, I only fell asleep ard 0730am.. =(
Tat day I woke up at 1230pm, Dear asked me is he going anywhere later..?? I told him tat Fred & Max are going for refill at 1400pm then go A Sai's house after refill.. When Dear noe Fred is going for refill he called Fred but no one answer the call so Dear call Max to let him noe tat we will be following them for refill too.. After hang up the call with Max, Fred call back and so Dear told him too tat we're going refill with them..
Actually I dun intend to follow them to 2nd Link & A Sai's house on tat day but after Dear keep asking me to go so I oso followed them to refill.. And so we meet Fred at 1415pm downstair at the MSCP after tat go straight to 2nd Link to meet Max..
When we reached Singapore Custom juz nice Max oso arrived at Custom too.. so we went in to Malaysia together.. Before reaching Malaysia Custom, Dear suddenly told me "Oh Shit, we will see Kruzer at GP Esso" I replied him, "now then u noe we will see Kruzer in there".. cos during tat time when we reached Malaysia Custom is already 1445pm.. actually I already noe we might be seeing some Kruzer members in there, if they happen to be in there early..
Then Max say he need to go to the Money Changer so no choice we need to stop at the R & R, after Max changed the money.. Dear suggest to take short-cut to Southbound Shell but Fred say he dun dare cos he scared his bike might not be able to go thru.. since he dun wan we oso dun wan to force him.. but juz about to leave R & R, Raymond Tan came..
He saw us, so we quickly go over to Petronas for refill then call him and let him noe tat he nvr see us.. Cos Dear this morning at 0430am dropped Isaac a sms say we're not going for trip cos he's not feeling well then now he's there.. He scare if Isaac saw him, he will feel very paiseh!!
Anyway after refill at GP Petronas, they want to wash bike.. so after we proceed to GP Town to have their bikes wash over there.. When we reached bike washing place, I saw my hp got missed call is Raymond Kit.. He's oso inside Malaysia for refill with Jasmine.. We told him we're at the bike washing area in GP Town.. so after arranging with him, later after washing the bikes will meet them at Southbound Esso together at A Sai's house.. but first he still need to wait for CY Siong as he will be going to A Sai's house with us..
At ard 1605pm, their bikes have been washed.. we proceed to Esso to meet Raymond Kit & CY Siong.. Juz as we thought Kruzer shd have left for the Day Trip, we then saw them on the opp Northbound Esso.. They juz abt to leave only at 1615pm.. Oh Shit, Kenny & a few of them saw us already.. No need to hide anymore, Dear purposely throttle harder to let them noe we juz passby them on the opp side..
When we arrived at Shell stn for refill, we saw AJ and the rest of the TDMs gang came back from Fraser Hill.. They were fixing something on AJ's bike, after tat then we realise AJ's bike tyre got a hole, his bike kena nail.. they're trying to fix the hole on his bike.. heehee..
Tat day I woke up at 1230pm, Dear asked me is he going anywhere later..?? I told him tat Fred & Max are going for refill at 1400pm then go A Sai's house after refill.. When Dear noe Fred is going for refill he called Fred but no one answer the call so Dear call Max to let him noe tat we will be following them for refill too.. After hang up the call with Max, Fred call back and so Dear told him too tat we're going refill with them..
Actually I dun intend to follow them to 2nd Link & A Sai's house on tat day but after Dear keep asking me to go so I oso followed them to refill.. And so we meet Fred at 1415pm downstair at the MSCP after tat go straight to 2nd Link to meet Max..
When we reached Singapore Custom juz nice Max oso arrived at Custom too.. so we went in to Malaysia together.. Before reaching Malaysia Custom, Dear suddenly told me "Oh Shit, we will see Kruzer at GP Esso" I replied him, "now then u noe we will see Kruzer in there".. cos during tat time when we reached Malaysia Custom is already 1445pm.. actually I already noe we might be seeing some Kruzer members in there, if they happen to be in there early..
Then Max say he need to go to the Money Changer so no choice we need to stop at the R & R, after Max changed the money.. Dear suggest to take short-cut to Southbound Shell but Fred say he dun dare cos he scared his bike might not be able to go thru.. since he dun wan we oso dun wan to force him.. but juz about to leave R & R, Raymond Tan came..
He saw us, so we quickly go over to Petronas for refill then call him and let him noe tat he nvr see us.. Cos Dear this morning at 0430am dropped Isaac a sms say we're not going for trip cos he's not feeling well then now he's there.. He scare if Isaac saw him, he will feel very paiseh!!
Anyway after refill at GP Petronas, they want to wash bike.. so after we proceed to GP Town to have their bikes wash over there.. When we reached bike washing place, I saw my hp got missed call is Raymond Kit.. He's oso inside Malaysia for refill with Jasmine.. We told him we're at the bike washing area in GP Town.. so after arranging with him, later after washing the bikes will meet them at Southbound Esso together at A Sai's house.. but first he still need to wait for CY Siong as he will be going to A Sai's house with us..
At ard 1605pm, their bikes have been washed.. we proceed to Esso to meet Raymond Kit & CY Siong.. Juz as we thought Kruzer shd have left for the Day Trip, we then saw them on the opp Northbound Esso.. They juz abt to leave only at 1615pm.. Oh Shit, Kenny & a few of them saw us already.. No need to hide anymore, Dear purposely throttle harder to let them noe we juz passby them on the opp side..
When we arrived at Shell stn for refill, we saw AJ and the rest of the TDMs gang came back from Fraser Hill.. They were fixing something on AJ's bike, after tat then we realise AJ's bike tyre got a hole, his bike kena nail.. they're trying to fix the hole on his bike.. heehee..
Hafiz's bike

Then we Ansley and his big new Pelican Cases on his bike.. Oh my god, the boxes are really huge!! I wonder how he manage to ride up to Fraser Hill with his 2 big Pelican Cases!! 真的很佩服他。。 哈哈!!
Ansley's New Pelican Cases

After chatting with them abt the trip, I saw Bandit at Esso.. tat was Bee Bee & Justin.. Then I saw Road King & Frazer 1, they have arrived at Esso.. So we go over to Esso to meet them.. but after when we reached Esso, the Bee Bee & Justin are gone.. then later heard from them tat they've left with frds..
Sook Keng wat r u doing??

At Esso, we asked ard who got bring extra oranges as both myself & Dear forget to bring when we come out from the house.. Same goes to Raymond too, they oso forget to prepare oranges.. haha!! so we got to last mins prepare gifts to A Sai's house.. So we bought a half chicken and Raymond bought a Cheese Cake at Esso.. Slack for awhile then we left Esso for A Sai's house..
Jasmine & Raymond Kit

At ard 1710pm, we reached A Sai's house.. Parked the bikes and went up.. Wah Lau, so many peoples there but mostly are those we dunno.. Only saw Botak Monk & Ivan there only.. The rest of the members did not come.. and so we makan, relax and chit chat over.. Less than 20 mins at A Sai's house, the Lion Dance Group came..
Reached MSCP

The Lion Dance Group start performe from 1735pm to 1755pm.. Is quite a long session, I was there busy taking photos.. heehee..
Lion Dance Started

After Lion Dance performed, we juz slack over there.. Makan & chit chat is wat we do over there only..
Slack outside A Sai's house

At 1900pm, A Sai told us there will a session of 搂鱼生。。年年有余,新年快乐,万事如意!!

After 搂鱼生,we juz relax outside his house.. Jasmine & Sook Keng are playing 2 players Mahjong.. haha!! they really enjoy playing Mahjong, can play from 1800pm to 2000pm.. Oh no got hook already..
Jasmine & Sook Keng got HOOK up with Mahjong

As for us juz wait patiently for CS & Chilli to come.. From 1830pm, they say on the way till 1950pm we still having see them.. =(
While waiting for CS & Chilli

Is was quite late, CS & Chilli juz arrived only.. but bcos is really a long hours staying at A Sai's house so we decided to leavel as everyone is tired!!
About to leave A Sai's house

Finally at 2045pm we reached our home carpark, thought can rest liao then Leong call us say he wan to meet us for kopi.. so we told him tat ok lor, he said he will be coming over to Dear's house to meet us first.. So we told Fred tat Leong chio us for kopi at Kim Keat, he said ok lor he will join us for kopi..
At ard 2250pm, Leong arrived.. he came up to Dear's house to relax for awhile then wait for Fred to get ready to go Kim Keat Mamak Stall.. so we went over there, makan again.. then go home at 0130am..
At ard 2250pm, Leong arrived.. he came up to Dear's house to relax for awhile then wait for Fred to get ready to go Kim Keat Mamak Stall.. so we went over there, makan again.. then go home at 0130am..
Leong at Dear's house

When we reached home, I on my msn.. Max msg me & send me 2 photos which he took at A Sai's house.. When I saw the pics then noe actually after we left for awhile at A Sai's house, Eric came over too but he only stay for awhile then left..
CS & Eric at A Sai's place, but we've left

wah, really play hide and seek. Actually, it doesn't matter if you Kruzer members see you on NSH. I'm sure they'll understand if people can't make it.
I was supposed to follow Raymond Kit also but I ended up following Jack to Tony's (A Harley Mech) place in JB, not far from Skudai. After reading your blog, I know I should have followed Raymond instead. More fun.
Oh ic, u suppose to join us..
who's Jack..??
Jack's another Harley rider who joined Kruzers recently. We know him as Jack Tan. He's riding a '03 Fat Boy and Terrence was riding his other Harley.
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