Was at Amir's place on 02 Feb 08 around 18:00 hrs plus.. then saw Mun there.. didn't noe anything wrong till he told us, he had a minor accident out his house..
He actually skidded outside his house when pillion his daughter.. Hie had a minor injuries, his daughter got a 50 cents coin injuries too.. but his bike was quite badly damages.. dun noe how much it will cost him for the services..
He actually skidded outside his house when pillion his daughter.. Hie had a minor injuries, his daughter got a 50 cents coin injuries too.. but his bike was quite badly damages.. dun noe how much it will cost him for the services..
His right side mirror
His right Fairing
Right side box
Front View
His right side view
Amir taking down the parts tat need to order

Really sad to see any of my friends got into any accident.. Even though is juz a minor injuries but still will feel sad when the bike is suffering.. :(
During tat nite Dear also had his clutch plates changed.. I'm really curious.. how Mechanic change the clutch plate.. Finally get to see it.. heehee

Then happened to saw Ah Chit's van kena summon.. Shit!! The fine cost him $50.. He really piss off!!!

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