Finally have photos done.. I can upload in here already.. heehee..
If friends who r reading my blog, pls dun laugh at my stupid hair style.. I noe i look nerdy but juz wan to get a new look as for the past year I always use the same hair style.. When i look into the mirror.. I look awful and like auntie, Tiew!! Especially after the incident I've nvr done anything new to my hair..
If friends who r reading my blog, pls dun laugh at my stupid hair style.. I noe i look nerdy but juz wan to get a new look as for the past year I always use the same hair style.. When i look into the mirror.. I look awful and like auntie, Tiew!! Especially after the incident I've nvr done anything new to my hair..
Anson going to changing my hair style.. heehee
I'm busy taking photo, he's busy doing my hair..
When I tried to take photo of him, he feel shy!!
Nvr took abit, trying again..
Still can't manage too, Hey tat's Anna.. I always ask her to do my hair but tat day she was off, so nvr get her to do..
Finally get to take his pictures.. heehee
Still having old style..
Now putting on dunno wat cream, waited for 45 mins..
Still waiting..
Finally had it washed & start to blow my hair dry..
Anson so concentrating, so cute..
Prepare to arrange the shape out..
Aiyo, like ghost man!!
Finally had my hair cut short..
Anson, so concentrating..
Now had it arrange properly..
Do I look NERDY..??
Still doing it.. :(
He said I got lot hair, got to use more time.. :P
Still the same spot..
No change..
Feeling alittle bit tired but still very awake..
Aiyo, can see my eyes like wan to sleep..
hmmm, how long more..??
Sianz liao.. :(
This Anson still can laugh, cos he see me so awake.. normally at this stage I will fall asleep liao..
Finally change position..
Hey, now doing another position..
Err, look like fat hor..??
Now doing the front..
I like this pic.. look so innocent.. =P
Now doing the top..
Do I look nice..??
Now putting another cream to stable it..
Cannot move, move sure kena scold..
Muz concentrate..
Finally finished, need to wait for 20 mins after tat then can wash..
Heehee, finally had it wash.. :)
Anson, my hair stylist..
Still washing..
Had my hair wrap up..
Do I look stupid..??
Messy hair hor..??
Hey, can see the shape.. heehee
Now blowing my hair..
Err, abit like 真子。。 Heehee..
Still the same..
hmmm, still not done..
Can't see my eyes.. :P
Still haven't cut away the extra..
hmm.. how long more..??
Very sleepy liao..
Hey, had it cut liao..
Now quite even..
Do I look STUPID..??
Going to finish soon..
Finally DONE..
Had myt eyebrown trim on the same day..
Amy, who helped me to do it.. :)
She pretty hor..
I feel slight pain..
Going to done soon..
After trimming my eyebrown, Anson blow my hair for me again..
Finally done, but cannot see my eyebrown.. :(
Very satisfied with Anson skill..


Finally had my hair done, took me 6.5 hrs to finished the whole hair.. I went to the salon at 1430pm and finished till 2000pm.. After tat reached home, took photos of myself again.. dun say I vain hor.. juz wan to keep the pic as a memories.. :)
At home liao..
Really like stupid but I love it!!
Anson say I look 中国娃娃。。 我看不是, 很相。。
Haha, keep taking my pic..
Look like wat..??
Act cute..
With my Eeyore..
Full body..
Cannot see, too blur..
Try on the other light.. :)
Slightly better now..
Where am I..? Can't re-call..
In the MRT Station on the next day..
Still trying to take photos..
Without sunglasses..
Act CUTE Again..
Went to VivoCity..
At Giant Supermart..
Busy taking pics..
At Toast Box..
Before coming in to Toast Box, went to buy a bag at Zinc..
Order food to eat..
Back to Stn, going to Tiong Bahru..
Waiting for train..
At Mos Burger..
Still taking my own pic..
Do I look nice on this hair style..??
Going to carpark & wait for him..
In the lift..
Juz took it at home..
Do I look drunk..??
Juz had 2 bottles of beers..

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