Meet up for refill cum breakfast & Lunch @ GP Town today at 10am, but we were late!! Suppose to meet at 10am, only reached there at 10:45am..!! Think 1 of the TDM rider BtwoB was there, nvr see us and left liao.. *faint*
When we were there at 10:45am, Mike was there already, but Leong was late.. After waiting for Leong for 15 mins, we then proceed to GP Town for our breakfast "Wanton Mee"..
Waiting to be serve

The place where they had their bike washed this afternoon.. A very good job done by them.. As u noe this mth is their puasa mth!! Good work man!! Bike wash cost RM5!
The place where they washed their baby TDMs waiting to be wash
Still waiting, first to enter & last to be wash.. haha!
That me
Scorpion69's baby being clean up
Take How push his bike in
Virus also push in
both waiting
Ready to wash
Uncle cleaning Take How's baby
Virus's baby washed by her!
In the process of washing
Uncle washing Take How's baby
Scorpion69 waxing his baby
Still cleaning haven't finish
on going
yet to finish
Still haven't finish
Take How jux relax there & reading his "Feng Shui Book"
Spray water on his bike
Nice job
Leong's baby jux finished cleaning
Busy waxing their baby
Finally his is done!
Touching up
Their babies r done!
Still touching up his baby
Virus's baby done
Scorpion69's baby done
hmmm, wat u looking at??
Haven't finish
Finally done!
After bikes washed proceed for refill at Shell stn.. Saw Street Coyote group were there for refill too..!! After refilled, get ready for lunch @ R & R.. So co-incident to see Night was there having lunch alone..!! Was told by Night tat Raymond "fly him kite" tat y he was there alone!! haha..
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