Leaving Ikea..
hmmm, but end up we nvr get anything cos he wan to look ard for more range in Carrerfour & nearby neighbourhood furniture shop then decide what to get..!!
Our nxt location is Vivocity.. cos he say want to accompany me to watch "Underdog" haha.. Tot I will be watchin "Underdog" on my own.. but actually after Ikea we already went to Vivo earlier on but due to parking we had a quarrel, we then left Vivo w/o buying any tickets.. When we reached home.. I was sad abt the earlier matters! but then I really want to watch "Underdog" so decided to go back to Vivo on my own but after that he noe that I'm going back there again.. He quickly hold me down & say he will send me back to Vivo again to purchase the tickets.. hee!! This time b4 going to Vivo, I called & chk wif the management to make sure there's bikes lot & tickets if its still available..
Outside GV buying tickets..
Our tickets, Sean & Fred joining us for "Underdog" @ 2250 hrs
Hungry liao.. Ordering food @ CarlsJr..
Ours still yet to come!
Here comes mine.. Huge burger!!
After food, sit outside Vivo for smoke break.. Waiting for Fred to come..
After the movie is already 12:30am, left Vivo & proceed to meet AJ, Leong & the rest of the TDMs guys @ Kim Keat for kopi.. due to hp battery flat so unable to take anymore pics.. haha!!
When we reached there is already coming to 1am.. Over there we talk abt AJ trip from Koh Samui & talk abt coming trip tat they wish to plan for New Year Eve..! Plus AJ returned TH's camera when he borrowed to Koh Samui!!
When they talked abt trips.. someone ask me when the "thing" can be remove from my body.. cos only after remove then I can go for tripssssss.. haha!! hmmm, quite sianz Kruzer coming trip in Lake Chini I can't go!!! *sob*
Then someone jio Sunday (30/9) refill cum wash bikes in 2nd link, GP Town @ 10am.. Everyone start to ask if can wake up tmr for refill cos is already 2:30am & we're still outside for kopi.. haha!!
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